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GBC PolyClearView A4 Binding Cover 350 Micron Matte (Pack of 50) IB387166
Product Code: GB38716
Pack Of 1
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Your Price Only £138.00
Inc VAT £165.60
PolyClearView are robust, semi-clear front covers by GBC that are designed to protect and enhance title pages. The heavyweight 350 micron thickness and clear matte finish protects documents and provides a stylish, professional finish. These binding covers are made from polypropylene, which is suitable for recycling and are suitable for use with all lie-flat binding styles including ClickBind, WireBind, CombBind and CoilBind.
PolyClearView are robust, semi-clear front covers by GBC that are designed to protect and enhance title pages. The heavyweight 350 micron thickness and clear matte finish protects documents and provides a stylish, professional finish. These binding covers are made from polypropylene, which is suitable for recycling and are suitable for use with all lie-flat binding styles including ClickBind, WireBind, CombBind and CoilBind.
Biodegradable InformationNo
Depth (mm)297
Height (mm)297
Hexavalent Chromium (ppm)No
Mercury (ppm)No
Recyclable Percentage100
Width (mm)211
Cadmium (ppm)N/A
ISO 14001 (Y/N)Yes
Recyclable (Yes/No)Yes
Item Gauge (gsm)350
AccreditationISO 14001
2023 UK catalogue page no582
2024 UK catalogue page no566
Minimum Recyclable Content (%)100
350 Micron
A4 format
Clear matte design for added style
Colour: Transparent Matte
Compatible with GBC ClickBind, WireBind, CombBind and CoilBind binders
Eco-friendly polypropylene: can be recycled more easily than PVC
Pack of 50
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